ANNOUNCEMENT: Infinite Code has been acquired, and we will not be able to take on new web and mobile projects. Please check out the announcement in Facebook.
Infinite Code takes away all the headaches of running a software development department. We build entire software development teams and deal with all the issues of managing them so that our partners just focus on specifying what needs to be created.
Our teams cover almost the entire product development cycle:

Requirements Analysis

Our Project Managers work with you to specify in detail what needs to be done, document it and communicate this to the rest of the team.

User Interface Design

More than making things look good, our UI/UX designers also ensure that the product is intuitive and easy to use.


Software Developers take the produced specifications and turn it quickly into a functional product.


Our Testers ensure the final product is defect free. Ranging from basic manual testing up to fully automated test suites and nightly builds, no defect goes undetected.

Deployment and Support

If needed, our teams can also handle deployment of the completed product on to your servers and technically support them over time. Sysadmins and Software Developers work together to ensure your products continue to deliver value over time.
Our team members have experience that covers a wide variety of technologies and industries. In the last few years, they have:
Built high volume/transaction e-commerce websites
Built trading and analytical tools for hedge funds
Built top grossing mobile games on the iOS and Android platforms
Built data collection tools for Big Data systems

We have expertise in building web applications and mobile applications for the following verticals/industry:

  • Insurance
  • Retail / Fashion
  • Advertising
  • Gaming
  • Education
  • E-commerce
  • API Integrations, specifically Advertising and Mobile Advertising vertical
  • Distributed Data Processing

We have expertise in the following technology areas:

  • SQL/Databases: PostgreSQL
  • NoSQL Databases: MongoDB, Redis
  • Backend Scripting: Python, PHP, Ruby
  • Web Technologies / Frontend Scripting: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, React, Backbone, jQuery, jQuery Mobile
  • Cloud Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), DigitalOcean
  • Linux Operating Systems: Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS
  • Mobile Applications: iOS, Android, Cordova/PhoneGap, Ionic, React Native
  • Web Frameworks: Wordpress, Django, Django CMS, Django Oscar
  • Queue Processing: Python/Celery, Amazon SQS